Goodbye UOSM2008!

After years of essay writing, UOSM2008 has been a welcomed and refreshing change. This module has provided me with the skills to confidently enter a 21st century workplace, and has also given me the confidence to blog, which is something I’ve never done before. I highlighted topic 3 as the one that spurred me into … More Goodbye UOSM2008!

Topic 5: Reflection

Having done this blogging activity five times, I’ve really learnt to consider my thought and learning processes when constructing a post/comment. I was able to consider this weeks topic on a personal level, because open access is something that benefits students massively. Taking Lisa’s advice from her topic 4 overview, I thought about how could … More Topic 5: Reflection

Topic 5: What are the advantages and disadvantages to a content producer of making their materials freely available online?

Firstly… what does it mean when material is freely available online? and what is a content producer? Here’s a video to give an insight into the role of a content producer! (HowToRuleTheWeb, 2013) So what happens when people work really hard to create content, but then people get it for free? or equally, what happens when … More Topic 5: What are the advantages and disadvantages to a content producer of making their materials freely available online?

Topic 4: Reflection

The topic this week was really thought-provoking as it’s such a far-reaching relationship to consider, and especially as I am exposed to these business tactics daily. I tried to take a broader approach at first by highlighting the main ethical challenges, and then specified further by giving examples, and I feel this was useful for … More Topic 4: Reflection

Topic 4: Ethics – Businesses & Social Media

As discussed in my comments and reflection for last weeks topic, the ethical implications of social media use within businesses are far-reaching (Gunkel, 2015), and as the web continues to evolve, so do the associated moral challenges. The line between personal and professional is becoming increasingly blurred, and alongside the many benefits, there are shortcomings associated … More Topic 4: Ethics – Businesses & Social Media

Topic 3: Reflection

I didn’t quite realise just how much attention recruiters can pay to their prospective candidate’s online platforms – the Jobvite (2014) survey stats (although slightly outdated) really did surprise me. I’m really glad that this topic was set because it’s opened my eyes to a very relevant reality, especially as I’m about to embark on … More Topic 3: Reflection

Topic 3: Professional Online Profiles

Why should I have a ‘professional online profile’? Nowadays, the recruitment landscape has changed massively (Tapscott, 2014) and a generic CV is simply not enough in the job market (White, 2016). As Nik Nyman (2014) contends, more and more companies are now using social media to recruit talent, in particular, the platform of LinkedIn (White, 2016). … More Topic 3: Professional Online Profiles

Topic 2: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity

The web is playing an increasingly important role in the ways in which we communicate, engage, work and learn within 21st century society (Costa and Torres, 2011), bringing the idea of the ‘online identity’ to the forefront of contemporary living. In his work, A Presentation of Self, Erving Goffman analysed how individuals perform to reflect … More Topic 2: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity

Topic 1: Reflection

Topic 1 has already introduced me to a series of new concepts and theories. I had never heard of Prensky’s (2001) typologies before embarking upon this module, nor did I have any interest in following/using blogs. Thus, I can already say that this module has opened me up to a whole new method of learning, … More Topic 1: Reflection